New Pioneer4you Box Mod : IPV8 230w Mod is released ! As you may have noticed, the IPV 8 is similar to IPV6X from outer appearance.In fact,yes, the IPV8 Mod is based on IPV6 X Box Mod ,is the updated version of IPV6X 215W,though have same look,yet,the Pioneer4you IPV 8 with improved features like increased power output to a whopping 230W, a cattle leather grip and the
latest Yihi chip set for a versatile vape experience and so on.
IPV8 230W Mod
is the one of the smallest high wattage mods in the marketplace ,if you seeks for a compact and portable mod with high power and powerful function,then buy IPV8 230W Box Mod is a great choice for you.See lst images
Pioneer4you IPV8| IPV 8 Box Mod Features and Specification